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From Fabricated Conflicts To Activism

We continue to focus on actionable technical steps that can mold our still easily accessible “elementary arithmetic” model into the foundation of our upcoming, purely natural-language-based training efforts.

Further expanding on the last two blogs, we shift our attention to the classification (CLS and CLX), question-answer (QAS), compose (GEN) groups of samples.

The formulated objectives, along with provided solutions, are loosely based on the novel approaches outlined in the trendsetting BERT and GPT papers.

Once again, we have already too much accumulated code to load into our notebook. For your refence, we sample from the attached local source files:,,,,,, and

Samples generation

Following the previous blogs’ pattern, CLS and CLX group of samples are generated by steps similar to the below code.

The seeming complication of a two-step “next_idx/create” is caused by our need to first allocate a large enough pool of random values and then to sequentially draw, or “create”, from it. This allows us to maintain the requested probability distribution of the samples.

import numpy as np
randint = np.random.randint
import samples as qs

groups = tuple('yns ynx msk msx cls clx qas rev gen fix'.split())


def sampler(ps):
    ss = qs.Samples(ps)
    for _ in range(ps.num_samples):
        ss2 = None
        ss, idx = ss.next_idx
        enc, res, *_ = ss.create(idx)
        dec = tgt = f'[{res}]'

        ss2, i2 = ss.next_idx
        e2, r2, *_ = ss2.create(i2, use_x=res)

        t2 = np.array(list('+*2'))[randint(3)]
        ss2, i2 = ss2.next_idx
        e2, r2, t2, _ = ss2.create(i2, double_y=(t2 == '2'))
        d2 = f'[{r2}]'
        cls = dict(enc=e2, dec=d2 + '|_', tgt=d2 + f'|{t2}')

        t3 = np.array(list('0+-'))[randint(3)]
        ss2, i2 = ss2.next_idx
        e2, r2, _, t3 = ss2.create(i2, use_x=None if t3 == '0' else res)
        d2 = e2 + f'[{r2}]'
        clx = dict(enc=enc + tgt, dec=d2 + '|_', tgt=d2 + f'|{t3}')

        yield {CLS: cls, CLX: clx}
        ss = ss2

And now, if we run our “sampler”, we get the following samples:

import utils as qu

ps = dict(
ps = qu.Params(**ps)

for d in sampler(ps):
    print(f'CLS: {d[CLS]}')
    print(f'CLX: {d[CLX]}')
  CLS: {'enc': 'y=-43,x=-92;x*y', 'dec': '[3956]|_', 'tgt': '[3956]|*'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'y=-57,x=-24;x-y[33]', 'dec': 'x=-93,y=92;y*x[-8556]|_', 'tgt': 'x=-93,y=92;y*x[-8556]|0'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'x=-33,y=-10;x-y', 'dec': '[-23]|_', 'tgt': '[-23]|+'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'x=31,y=-55;x*y[-1705]', 'dec': 'y=-48,x=55;y*x[-2640]|_', 'tgt': 'y=-48,x=55;y*x[-2640]|0'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'x=83,y=-74;x*y', 'dec': '[-6142]|_', 'tgt': '[-6142]|*'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'x=-18,y=-33;y+x[-51]', 'dec': 'y=69,x=$;x-y[-120]|_', 'tgt': 'y=69,x=$;x-y[-120]|-'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'x=40,y=40;x-y', 'dec': '[0]|_', 'tgt': '[0]|2'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'y=19,x=99;y+x[118]', 'dec': 'y=-26,x=95;x-y[121]|_', 'tgt': 'y=-26,x=95;x-y[121]|0'}

Modeling intent

The challenge of the CLS samples is simple. We need to train our computer to recognize the op (e.g. +, - or *) of our arithmetic expression. There is a twist, however. Both + and - expressions should be recognized as additive, i.e. +, expressions.

The challenge of the CLX samples gets a bit more difficult. Just like with the previous “extended”, X, groups, we need to train the computer to use indirect conjectures.

In the case of CLX, we are given 2 expressions, with the second one possibly using the result of the first one. And then, if the second’s result is larger or equal to the first one’s, the prediction needs to be an additive, or +, relationship. Otherwise, it should be a subtractive relationship.

There are two special cases for both. If there is a “duplication” in the CLS samples, a 2 should result. And if the second expression doesn’t depend on the first expression, then a 0 should be returned in the case of CLX.

Generating the QAS and GEN samples is as follows:

def sampler(ps):
    ss = qs.Samples(ps)
    for _ in range(ps.num_samples):
        ss, idx = ss.next_idx
        enc, res, *_ = ss.create(idx)
        dec = tgt = f'[{res}]'

        r1, r3 = f'{ss.other(res)}', f'{ss.other(res)}'
        r2 = f'[{r1}{res}{r3}]'
        b = '{:0>3d}'.format(len(r1) + 1)
        e = '{:0>3d}'.format(len(r2) - len(r3) - 1)
        qas = dict(enc=enc, dec=r2 + '|', tgt='|', out=f'#{b} {e}')

        d2 = '[' + '_' * (len(tgt) + randint(5))
        gen = dict(enc=enc, dec=d2 + '|', tgt=tgt + '|')

        yield {QAS: qas, GEN: gen}

And then, calling the generator:

for d in sampler(ps):
    print(f'CLS: {d[QAS]}')
    print(f'CLX: {d[GEN]}')
  CLS: {'enc': 'x=-64,y=-51;x-y', 'dec': '[-22-13-73]|', 'tgt': '|', 'out': '#004 007'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'x=-64,y=-51;x-y', 'dec': '[______|', 'tgt': '[-13]|'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'y=-95,x=22;x*y', 'dec': '[73-209072]|', 'tgt': '|', 'out': '#003 008'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'y=-95,x=22;x*y', 'dec': '[________|', 'tgt': '[-2090]|'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'y=-86,x=-97;y-x', 'dec': '[01130]|', 'tgt': '|', 'out': '#002 004'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'y=-86,x=-97;y-x', 'dec': '[____|', 'tgt': '[11]|'}
  CLS: {'enc': 'y=-2,x=-90;y*x', 'dec': '[-29180-60]|', 'tgt': '|', 'out': '#004 007'}
  CLX: {'enc': 'y=-2,x=-90;y*x', 'dec': '[________|', 'tgt': '[180]|'}

Question and answer modeling

One can see from the output that the QAS samples “scramble” 3 possible , but only one correct, answer that our computer needs to choose from.

At this point the answer is in the middle, however, the predicted output needs to be the start and the end positions of the correct result in the seemingly confusing looking provided garbled sequence of digits.

We encode the correct result in tgt prefixed with a #. As can be seen from our inlined tokenizer function from, if we encounter the # prefix, we use the subsequent int values verbatim.

Otherwise, we “tokenize” by mapping our characters from the tokens dictionary.

import tensorflow as tf

def tokenizer(d):
    def to_tokens(x):
        if len(x) > 0 and chr(x[0]) == '#':
            y = ''.join([chr(c) for c in x[1:]])
            y = [int(v) for v in y.split()]
            y = [tokens[chr(c)] for c in x]
        return tf.constant(y, tf.int32)

    return {
        k: tf.numpy_function(to_tokens, [v], Tout=tf.int32)
        for k, v in d.items()

As for the GEN samples, the requested output is simple: compose the correct result! We only provide a randomly variable empty space marked by _ characters.

How will training on these samples help us?

Given a very large amount of possibly confusing text, our first task should be to simplify it. Specifically, looping through all the words of the text, we should simply drop anything that we can compose ourselves from our already learned context. This is where GEN becomes truly essential.

The next step in reducing complexity is to classify our sentences according to a perhaps pre-defined set of topics. Obviously, CLS and the more complex CLX will be necessary for that task.

We need to further segment our text base by finding emerging narratives, the center-piece of our efforts. The question-answer learned “knowledge”, QAS, will help with that.

Once again, we need to point out that all these “skills” are learned by using the same weights or variables. This choice was made based on the latest “multi-task” training results.

We defer running the training session to a follow-up blog in order to avoid repetitive content.

This concludes our blog, please click on the next blog for more detail.